IDF Medics – Training Base
Maureen Kushner
Sukkot 2013
In honor of Israel's armed forces
A Holocaust Torah Finds a Home
On Sunday Chol Hamoed Sukkot, September 22nd, over 100 members and friends of IYIM – Israel made their way to the Tzrifin army base where they presented a Sefer Torah to the main IDF Medics training base. It is on this base that 1500 different soldiers from every unit of the three branches of the army come to be trained as unit medics.
The uniqueness of this Sefer Torah was that it had been saved from the ashes of the Holocaust in Romania. A global fundraising campaign was undertaken to pay for its repair and restoration. Lead donations were kindly presented by Maureen Kushner, Marc & Tzippora Zwebner and Shevah Samuel.
On arrival to the base the participants were treated to a simulation exercise of a badly wounded soldier and how he would be treated in the field.
This was followed by a very lively procession as the Torah was led under the chuppah by the soldiers, participants and students from the Lev HaTorah Yeshivah. As the procession entered the base synagogue, dancing took place for well over half an hour led by the soldiers.
The Torah was then placed into the base synagogue and a festive meal was held in the (enlarged) base sukkah.
Air Force
Shebson Family
Israel & London
April 2013
In memory of loved ones
On Wednesday April 3rd 2013, 50 family members and friends of the Shebson Family travelled to the Hatzerim Air Force Base, near Beer Sheva, for a special Torah Dedication. The Torah was dedicated by Lionel Shebson and family in memory of his dear sister, Freda Rosenfeld z"l.
Upon arrival the group was met by the Rabbi of the base, Rabbi Yisrael Stoller and was taken on a guided tour of the planes of the Air Force Museum. The tour ended with the participants sitting inside a plane and watching a video about the history of the air force.
Following this, Lionel and some close members of the family, met with the Base Commander to place the Sefer Torah cover on the Torah. The Commander explained that the Torah will be used both on the base and as a travelling Torah in times of war.
The group then made their way to the Binui Unit (the unit in charge of repairing planes). Music played as the many guests and soldiers accompanied and took it in turn to hold the Torah to the Beit Knesset under the Chuppa (canopy). Upon the arrival at the Beit Knesset, the music, singing and dancing continued. Following the placement of the Sefer Torah in the Aron Hakodesh (ark), Lionel shared some moving words about his sister, followed by the Base commander.
At the celebratory lunch that was held in the Officers’ dining room, Ceec Harrishburg, President of IYIM addressed the crowd and presented members of the family with a certificate of thanks. Ilana Braude, daughter of Freda Rosenfeld Z”L, spoke about her mother and thanked her uncle for initiating this most fitting tribute to the memory of her dear mother.
Adam IDF Base
Abelow Family and friends
Israel & New Jersey
February 2013
In loving memory of their parents
A Sefer Torah in memory of a Special Grandfather
David and Ethel Hollander z”l were two people who loved the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. They visited Israel many times, combining the visited to their children and grandchildren with volunteering on Sarel bases.
Their three daughters, spurred on by their grandchildren, decided that there was no better way to perpetuate the memory of their parents than by dedicating a Sefer Torah to the IDF. It was decided that the dedication would take place on David’s first yahrzeit.
On Wednesday, February 13th, Debbie & Peter Abelow, Judy and Shmuel Davidovics and Sandy & Phylis Zlotnik, together with their children and grandchildren in Israel, headed to the Adam base, about 15 minutes north of Yerushalayim. There they met the IDF Rabbinate choir and a surprise guest, the Chief Chazzan of the IDF, Shai Abramson. The guests and soldiers on the base sang and danced until nightfall. The procession down the hill was loud and joyous. At the synagogue, guests and soldiers recited psukim as the Torah was placed into the ark.
Maale Levona
Lowinger Family
Israel & New York
In loving memory of their parents
On a high hill top overlooking the site where the Mishkan in Shiloh is said to have stood, IYIM – Israel was once again proud to deliver a Sefer Torah to the IDF - this time to the Search and Rescue Unit on the Maale Levonah base.
The Torah, which was dedicated in loving memory of Irving & Ruth Oratz z”l, by their children Suzie & Ben-Zion Lowinger, Dina & Noah Perlman and Rabbi Joe & Debbie Oratz, was initially meant to be dedicated two months earlier. The military action in Gaza necessitated postponement.
The group of celebrants was met by Major Richard (an immigrant from Scotland) and his brave soldiers. Richard gave a security overview of the area that they are protecting.
A joyful procession then took place around the base with the soldiers and participants taking turns holding the Sefer Torah under the Chuppah. The Sefer Torah was then placed into the Aron Kodesh on this new base, followed by the keviat hamezuah (affixing of the Mezuzah) on the doorpost of the synagogue.
Afterwards, the participants enjoyed a light meal, highlighted by the Sefer Torah cake that the chef of the base had baked.